
02. We prioritize initiatives and put together a digitalization plan

Why you need to have a plan

To avoid setbacks, you must plan the implementation so that ambitious ideas are in line with the firm's priorities, capacities and preparedness for changes.

Our activities at this stage

  1. Creating a list of transformation activities, which will be gradually drawn up in greater detail.
  2. Based on the benefits and costs, proposing prioritization criteria.
  3. Developing a draft plan.
  4. Elaborating the plan based on the availability of sources.


  • A digitalization timetable

Useful tips

  • Do not try to have the perfect plan for years to come. The market is changing.
  • Start with projects with a significant and rapid impact or smaller pilot projects in which you will learn to work in the chosen operating model.
  • Beware of operational blind spots. Just because something worked until now does not mean it will be the ideal solution in the future. But avoid going to the opposite extreme, and always think about project feasibility.

Methodology applied and tools

  • KPMG P3M Method (Project, Program, Portfolio Management)
  • SAFe
  • Azure DevOps, Jira or something similar